⚖ perpetrator(s)


Hospital: Siddhartha Children and Women Hospital (AMDA), Butwal, Nepal

Victims: Medical Superintendent of the hospital

Type of violence: Physical

Event: After the death of a 32 year old pregnant lady following delivery of a baby, the irate relatives had vandalized the hospital and thrashed the medical superintendent of the hospital after their demands of Rs. 50,00,000 compensation was not met. The assaulted doctor was admitted in ICU of Lumbini Provincial Hospital for treatment.

News Links:

  1. https://newsbutwaltoday.com/?p=43983
  2. https://swasthyakhabar.com/story/54189


  • Perpetrators of Siddhartha Children and Women Hospital (AMDA) Incident
  • Hospital: Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS), Lagankhel, Lalitpur, Nepal

    Victims: Two on-duty doctors

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After death of two patients (96-year-old lady and 67-year-old man) with severe pneumonia in geriatric ward within a small timeframe of receiving injectable medications (Heparin and Antibiotic), the relatives and crowd hand threatened and thrashed the doctors with the perception that the death was due to the wrong medication.

    After the incident, there has been commendable support from PAHS faculties and executives in the strike of juniors. After many attempts, police have finally accepted the complaint.


    News Links:

    1. पाटन अस्पताल डाक्टरमाथि मुक्का, प्रहरीकै अगाडि खुँडा हान्ने धम्की (healthpati.com)
    2. इन्जेक्सनबाट औषधि दिएलगत्तै पाटन अस्पतालमा उपचाररत दुई बिरामीको मृत्यु (nayapatrikadaily.com)
    3. 'एन्टिवायोटिक लिएलगत्तै' पाटन अस्पतालमा निमोनियाँका दुई बिरामीको मृत्यु | Nagarik News (nagariknetwork.com)
    4. पाटन अस्पतालमा दुई जनाको मृत्यु घटना : भएको के हो?  - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika


    1. Niran Maharjan

  • Perpetrators of Patan Hospital (Geriatric ward) Incident

  • Hospital: Jaya Prithvi Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Chainpur, Bajhang, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty Pharmacist

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A pharmacist in the hospital pharmacy was misbehaved and beaten when he refused to dispense Pregabalin, Tramadol and Koftab-D (Dextromethorphan) without doctor's prescription. This incident had taken place on the day of Vijaya Dashami (Bada Dashain).

    News Links:

    1. बझाङको जयपृथ्वी अस्पतालका स्वास्थ्यकर्मीमाथि कुटपिट :: जयपृथ्वी डेली :: JpDaily (thejpdaily.com)
    2. बझाङको जयपृथ्वी अस्पताल चैनपुरमा कार्यरत एक जना स्वास्थ्यकर्मि माथि कुटपिट (saipalfm.com)


    1. Sudip Sunar

  • Perpetrators of Jayaprithvi Hospital (Pharmacy) Incident
  • Perpetrators of KMC (Intern doctor beaten) Incident

  • Hospital: Manipal Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal

    Victim: On-duty resident doctor 

    Violence type: Physical 

    Event: After death of a 57-year-old elderly patient in ICU, the patient attendants and goons had vandalized the doctors and hospital.

    News links:

    1. पोखराको मणिपाल अस्पतालमा बिरामीको मृत्यु भएपछि डाक्टरमाथि आक्रमण - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika

    2. मणिपाल घटना : किन गयो हरिहर वस्ती सहितको टोली पोखरा, किन फर्कियो रित्तो हात? - नारायण अधिकारी :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika


    1. Manish Thapa

    2. Sujit Mulmi

    3. Abinas Gurung

    4. Pradeep Gurung

    5. Arun Gurung

    6. Nitesh Gurung

    7. Bibek Gurung

    8. Sushil Karki (Chawa)

    9. Binay Gurung

    Most perpetrators have been found to be caught frequently for various crimes (upto 15 times) and were not relatives of the deceased patient.

    प्रहरी हिरासतमा १५ पटकसम्म पुगेका व्यक्ति नै डाक्टर आक्रमणमा, भाडामा प्रयोग भएको आशंका! - नारायण अधिकारी :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika

    What happened to the perpetrators?

    Except Binay Gurung and Sushil Karki, all other 7 caught perpetrators have been released on NRs. 1,00,000/- bail.

    मणिपालका डाक्टरलाई कुटेको आरोपमा २ जना कारागार चलान, ७ जना धरौटीमा रिहा – Online Khabar

  • Perpetrators of Manipal Hospital (ICU) Incident

  • Hospital: Lamjung Hospital, Lamjung, Nepal

    Victim: On duty doctor 

    Violence type: Physical 

    Events: Patient attendants disagreed with the regular consent form for hospital admission

    News links:

    1. लमजुङमा डाक्टरमाथि वडाध्यक्षको मुक्का – Online Khabar

    2. लमजुङमा डाक्टरमाथि कुटपिट, एक जना पक्राउ - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika


    What happened to the Perpetrator?

    Released on NRs. 1,00,000/- bail

  • Perpetrators of Lamjung Hospital Incident

    Hospital: Sripur PHC, Kanchanpur, Nepal

    Victim: 1 Auxillary Health Worker

    Violence type: Verbal and Physical 

    Event: A drunk man threatens on-duty health worker in the presence of a policeman on the unavailability of suture material as the store was closed.

    News links: 

    1. कञ्चनपुरमा बिरामीलाई टाँका लगाइरहेका अहेबको घाँटी न्याकियो :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati


    What happened to the perpetrator?

    The caught perpetrator was released within a few days of the crime.

  • Perpetrators of Shripur PHC (Threatened by drunken man) Incident

  • Hospital: Sundarharaicha Nagar Hospital, Nepal 

    Victim: 1 On-duty doctor

    Violence type: Verbal and Physical 

    Events: Patient's son became aggressive after patient reported to ER with fever and after initial assessment the doctor reported to them that there was no fever.

    News links: 

    1. सुन्दरहैँचा नगर अस्पतालका चिकित्सकमाथि हातपात | Nagarik News (nagariknetwork.com)



  • Perpetrators of Sundarharaicha (Fever) Incident

  • Hospital: Sancho Hospital, Hetauda, Nepal

    Victims: 2 doctors

    • 1 doctor sustained facial fracture (depressed zygomatic bone fracture)
    • Another doctor sustained facial injury
    Violence type: Physical

    • Patient was admitted on Shrawan 22 with suspected Dengue
    • Patient was referred to another higher center on Shrawan 23
    • Mortality on Shrawan 25 at that center
    News links:
    1. डाक्टर कुट्नेलाई पक्राउ गर्न, कानुनबमोजिम मुद्दा चलाउन पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्देशन चाहिने! :: विवेक राई :: Setopati
    2. चिकित्सक कुटपिट प्रकरण : मृतकका श्रीमती र छोराछोरीसहित ४ जना पक्राउ - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika
    3. हेटौंडामा डाक्टर कुट्ने चार जना पक्राउ :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati
    4. डा विकास थापा र डा प्रशान्त विडारीमाथि आक्रमण गर्नेलाई कारबाहीको माग - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika
    5. चिकित्सक संघको टोलीलाई प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले भने- डाक्टर कुट्नेलाई तुरुन्त कारबाही हुन्छ - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika
    6. चिकित्सक संघको टोलीलाई प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले भने- डाक्टर कुट्नेलाई तुरुन्त कारबाही हुन्छ - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika


    1. Rama Pradhan
    2. Ramita Pradhan
    3. Rohit Pradhan
    4. Anup Pradhan
    5. Jiwan Lama
    6. Subash Syangtan
    What happened to the perpetrators?

    The caught perpetrators:
    1. Rama Pradhan has been released on NRs. 2,50,000/- bail
    2. All other caught perpetrators have been released on NRs. 2,00,000/- bail

  • Perpetrators of Sancho Hospital (Hetauda) Incident

  • Hospital: Sindhuli Hospital, Sindhuli, Nepal

    Event: Large group of hooligans came along with the dead body and vandalized the hospital including Emergency room and OPD blaming the rocuronium given during intubation as the cause of death. It was a case of pregnancy complicated with seizure in a 26-year-old lady and referred to higher center for management.

    News links:

    1. Sindhuli Hospital Vandalized After Death of Pregnant Woman: Impacted Hospital Services – Inseconline
    2. सिन्धुली अस्पताल तोडफोड गर्ने पाँचजना पक्राउ :: (sindhulisaugat.com)


    1. Pushpa Thapa Magar
    2. Umesh Shrestha
    3. Sunmaya Bal
    4. Netra Bahadur Thapa Magar
    5. Ratna Bahadur Shrestha
  • Perpetrators of Sindhuli Hospital Incident

  • Hospital: Koshi Zonal Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: An 18-day-old neonate was taken to the hospital ER after having difficulties in breathing where the on-duty doctor and 2 assistant health workers had pronounced the neonate dead stating that her respiration and circulation had ceased. However, after some time, while the medical workers were examining the infant, she started moving and crying. This led to a physical altercation between the family of the child and the attending medical personnel.

    News Links:

    1. Medics being probed after alive baby pronounced dead (kathmandupost.com)
    2. उपचारमा लापरबाही गरेको आरोपमा चिकित्सकमाथि कुटपिट – इन्सेक (inseconline.org)


    1. Manoj Mukhiya
    2. Mannu Mukhiya

  • Perpetrators of Koshi Hospital (Neonate) Incident
  • Hospital: Provincial Hospital Lahan, Siraha, Nepal

    Victims: One doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A local had assaulted a doctor in front of the Hospital Development Committee Chairman and Medical Superintendent. She was attacked with a water bottle and attempts were made to tear her clothes.

    News Links:

    1. Service at Provincial Hospital in Lahan disrupted after local assaulted doctor (theannapurnaexpress.com)


    1. Lalita Yadav

  • Perpetrators of Provincial Hospital Lahan Incident

  • Hospital: Chitwan Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal

    Victims: On-duty Doctors and Nurses in ICU

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A 36-year-old male was admitted in ICU with pancreatitis and hypertension. Relatives of the patient misunderstood central venous access opening on neck as a neck surgery which allegedly led to death of the patient. The irate kin of the deceased barged into the intensive care unit (ICU) of the hospital and vandalized the window panes, door and other medical equipment indiscriminately, incurring a loss of millions of rupees. The agitating groups also manhandled on-duty doctors and nurses at the ICU.

    News Links:

    1. Chitwan Medical College vandalized over patient's death; 10 held (nepalkhabar.com)
    2. Three held in connection with vandalism at Chitwan Medical College « Khabarhub
    3. Three held over Chitwan Medical College vandalism - Nepal Minute :: Nepal Minute - out of the ordinary
    4. चितवनका चिकित्सक भन्छन्– गम्भीर बिरामीको उपचार गर्नै नसकिने अवस्था आयो :: राजेश घिमिरे :: Setopati
    5. चितवन मेडिकल कलेज तोडफोड गर्ने नौ जना विरुद्ध किटानी जाहेरी, तीन जना पक्राउ (kantipurhealth.com)
    6. बिरामीको मृत्युपछि चितवन मेडिकल कलेजमा तोडफोड (nayapatrikadaily.com)


    1. Dhan Bahadur BK
    2. Jivan Sunuwar
    3. Bikash Bahadur Damai
    What happened to the perpetrators?

    Hospital had filed a case.

  • Perpetrators of CMC (ICU/Pancreatitis) Incident

  • Hospital: Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS), Jumla, Nepal

    Victim: 1 On-duty doctor

    Violence type: Physical

    Events: Patient's father got aggressive after refusal to remove stitches as an emergency procedure in Emergency Department

    News links:

  • Perpetrators of KAHS (Jumla) Incident

  • Hospital: Primary Hospital Nawalpur, Indrawati, Sindhupalchowk, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The ambulance driver of the same hospital had barged into the OPD and manhandled the doctor.

    News Links:

    1. डा. माथी कार्यकक्षमै हातपात - JanataPatra


    1. Chun Bahadur Rana Magar

  • Perpetrators of Primary Hospital Nawalpur Incident
  • Hospital: Aarogya Foundation, Pulchowk, Nepal

    Victims: 1 doctor after finishing his duty

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: When the duty doctor was returning home finishing his duty at night, a traffic constable accosted and enquired him. The police constable had later punched and attacked the doctor. He had sustained nasal injury.

    News Links:

    1. Cop beats doctor black and blue because he was ‘walking at night’ (kathmandupost.com)
    2. Cop who beat up a doctor suspended (kathmandupost.com)
    3. Traffic police beats a doctor and breaks his nose in Lalitpur - myRepublica
    4. Traffic police personnel Thapa suspended for assaulting doctor - myRepublica


    1. Rajendra Thapa (police constable at the time of incident)

  • Perpetrators of Aarogya Foundation Incident

  • Hospital: BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Ghopa, Dharan, Nepal

    Victims: One doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Claiming the negligence of the doctors over a death of a newborn of a 25-year-old pregnant lady who underwent CS in the hospital, the irate relatives broke the entrance gate of the ObGyn operation theater (OT) and tried to attack a doctor. The relatives claimed that the doctor who was regularly examining her didn't consult a senior doctor and the surgery was not carried out in time. However, the doctors claimed that the surgery was done immediately when "cord prolapse" was diagnosed during examination.

    News Links:

    1. डाक्टरको लापर्बाहीले अस्पतालमा सुत्केरीकको मृत्यु भएको आफन्तको आरोप – इन्सेक (inseconline.org)


    1. Ashish Chauhan

  • Perpetrators of BPKIHS (Cesarean section) Incident
  • Hospital: Community Health Unit, Dolalghat, Kavre, Nepal

    Victims: 1 AHW

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A health worker from Dolalghat Health Unit was threatened and beaten in Dulaleshwar Secondary School during COVID-19 vaccination.

    News Links:

    1. स्वास्थ्यकर्मी कुटपिट गर्नेलाई कारबाहीको माग | Khabarhub Khabarhub


    1. Anil Pote
    2. Manoj Shrestha (Ward member at the time of incident)

  • Perpetrators of Community Health Unit Dolalghat (Covid Vaccine) Incident

  • Hospital: Golden Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal

    Victims: Hospital staffs and security guards

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After death of a 67-year-old man with diabetes mellitus following operation which was later complicated by MODS from septicemia, vandalized the hospital by breaking the windowpanes and beating the hospital staffs and security guards. According to the hospital, patient was already in a critical condition during his admission and surgery was necessary to prevent spread of infection to other parts of the body.

    News Links:

    1. The Nepali Post : Hospital Vandalized After Patient's Death, Seven Arrested
    2. उपचार क्रममा बिरामीको मृत्युपछि अस्पताल तोडफोड गर्ने सात पक्राउ   :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati


    1. Mohammad Azad
    2. Mohammad Akhtar
    3. Mohammad Sajad
    4. Mohammad Zuwer
    5. Mohammad Sahani
    6. Mohammad Irsad
    7. Mohammad Suwer


  • Perpetrators of Golden Hospital Biratnagar (Septicemia) Incident

  • Hospital: Bhavani Hospital and Research Center, Link road, Birgunj

    Victims: 1 Doctor, 1 Nurse and 1 Patient attendant

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A 32-year-old woman with a heart disease was declared dead soon after she was brought to the hospital. The family members brought back the body from funeral later and vandalized the healthcare workers and hospital protesting that the alive person was declared dead.

    News Links:

    1. Vandalism at Bhavani Hospital in Birgunj, attack on doctors and nurses | Nepali Janta English Version


    1. Rakesh Ram
    2. Suresh Ram
    3. Akshay Ram
    4. Bhim Ram

  • Perpetrators of Bhavani Hospital (Birgunj) Incident
  • Hospital: Grande International Hospital, Tokha, Nepal

    Victims: 1 Family planning supervision officer

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Covid vaccination program in Grande International Hospital had been halted when a family planning supervision officer was beaten by a group led by a local.

    News Links:

    1. टोखामा स्वास्थ्यकर्मीमाथि हातपात ! रोकिएको खोप कार्यक्रम कहिलेदेखी सुरु हुँदैछ ? - नुवाकोट एक्स्प्रेस


    1. Ramkaji Thapa

  • Perpetrators of Grande International Hospital (Covid Vaccine) Incident
  • Hospital: Mechi Hospital, Bhadrapur, Jhapa, Nepal

    Victims: 1 On-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A 40-year-old man had beaten the on-duty doctor who was treating the wife of the perpetrator in the emergency room of the hospital.

    News Links:

    1. मेची अस्पतालका डा. कपुरीमाथि कुटपिट - काठमाडौं प्रेस :: Kathmandu Press


    1. Pushparaj Niraula

  • Perpetrators of Mechi Hospital (ER) Incident

  • Hospital: Malu Covid-19 Hospital, Tamakoshi municipality, Dolakha, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor and 1 office assistant

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The doctor was suddenly beaten when he told them not to enter the hospital because there were COVID patients admitted to it and that they would be tested separately if they had any health problems. The doctor had escaped after four people suddenly entered the hospital at midnight and started beating him. They also threatened to set the hospital on fire and kill them.

    News Links:

    1. On duty doctor, employee attacked in Dolakha Covid-19 hospital (kathmandupost.com)
    2. Health Workers Beaten, Accused Arrested – Inseconline
    3. Doctor, staffer of Malu COVID Hospital manhandled - The Himalayan Times
    4. कोभिड अस्पतालका चिकित्सक र कर्मचारीमाथि कुटपिट- वाग्मती - कान्तिपुर समाचार (ekantipur.com)


    1. Gopal Timilsina
    2. Roshan Pokharel
    3. Biju Nepali

  • Perpetrators of Malu Covid Hospital (Dolakha) Incident

  • Hospital: Bheri Hospital, Nepalgunj, Nepal

    Victims: 2 on-duty nurses and 1 on-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The deceased’s son and brothers had assaulted a doctor and two nurses alleging that their relative died after he was put on ventilator support. The attackers had also barged into the intensive care unit of the hospital and vandalized medical equipment.

    A nurse was working in the intensive care unit (ICU) when a hand grabbed her neck and choked her just as she looked behind. “She’s the one responsible,” said the perpetrator, whose brother had succumbed to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as his henchmen thrashed other staff on duty. Luckily a relative of another patient rescued the nurse from the vice of the attacker. The staff fled to the duty room. Huddled in the duty room, they wailed for their safety as the perpetrators banged at the door. They then ran into the toilet inside the duty room just as the duty room’s door was broken open. As the door of the toilet could not keep them from the offenders, three nurses and a doctor jumped off the second floor, fearing for their lives. Fortunately, they landed on the sand and ran to safety. Two patients died because of lack of care amidst the chaos.

    News Links:

    1. The wounded healer during COVID-19: unraveling the violence against healthcare workers in Nepal | Published in Journal of Global Health Economics and Policy (scholasticahq.com)
    2. Doctors, health workers thrashed in Bheri Hospital | Nepalnews
    3. Health workers protest at Bheri Hospital following attack on medical personnel (kathmandupost.com)
    4. Health workers at Bheri Hospital call probe committee’s report unfair (kathmandupost.com)
    5. Bheri Hospital staffers stage protests demanding action against culprits assaulting on-duty hospital staff - The Himalayan Times
    6. Nepalgunj tense as mob attacks Bheri Hospital doctors - OnlineKhabar English News
    7. Health workers at Bheri Hospital attacked by relatives of deceased patient - myRepublica
    8. एमाले लुम्बिनी प्रदेश कमिटी सदस्यले गरे भेरी अस्पतालमा डाक्टर र नर्समाथि कुटपिट :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati


    1. Manbahadur Rawat (member of UML party)
    2. Bharat Rawat
    3. Lokraj Rawat

  • Perpetrators of Bheri Hospital (Covid) Incident

  • Hospital: Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Morang, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor and 1 on-duty health assistant in emergency room

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Sons of a 73 year-old elderly woman who was brought to ER following a road traffic accident had attacked doctors and health workers due to delay in the treatment. The victims had sustained injury on head and various parts of the body.

    News Links:

    1. Health worker of Birat Medical College beaten – English.MakaluKhabar.com
    2. Emergency room doctors and health workers attacked at Birat Medical College - Koshionline
    3. विराट शिक्षण अस्पतालमा डाक्टर र स्वास्थ्यकर्मीमाथि कुटपिट – Online Khabar


    1. Nischal Shrestha
    2. Anil Shrestha

  • Perpetrators of Birat Medical College (RTA) Incident
  • Hospital: Solukhumbu District Hospital, Phaplu, Nepal

    Victims: None

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After death of a 3-year-old boy due to diarrhea with dehydration, agitated relatives and family vandalized the ward of hospital including windowpanes, solar panel, oxygen concentrator and computer monitor. According to the family members, hospital had refused to admit the patient and discharged prescribing medicines due to ongoing COVID crisis.

    News Links:

    1. यसरी भयो जिल्ला अस्पताल तोडफोड (फोटोफिचर) - Himal News Express (himalsamachar.com)
    2. बालकको मृत्युपछि अस्पतालमा तोडफोड | Khabarhub Khabarhub


    1. Dawa Nuru Sherpa

  • Perpetrators of Solukhumbu District Hospital (Diarrhea) Incident
  • Hospital: Gajendra Narayan Singh Sagarmatha Hospital, Rajbiraj, Nepal

    Victims: 1 Doctor

    Type of violence: Threat

    Event: A group of 20 people including the medical superintendent of the hospital entered the residence of the victim at the hospital premises and abused him verbally and kicked his door.

    News Links:

    1. डाक्टरलाई दुर्व्यवहार गरेको घटनाका आरोपितविरुद्ध उजुरी – इन्सेक (inseconline.org)


    1. Dr. Ranjit Kumar Jha

  • Perpetrators of Sagarmatha Hospital Rajbiraj (Medical Superintendent) Incident
  • Hospital: Bheri Hospital, Banke, Nepal

    Victims: Doctors and nurses

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: In the excuse of drawing attention of the hospital towards the condition of the hospital and sufferings of the patients, a group belonging to the politician Gyanendra Shahi had abused the nurses and later physically assaulted a doctor who was on paying duty.

    News Links:

    1. सुरक्षा माग गर्दै चिकित्सक धर्नामा :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati


    1. Youths of Gyanendra Shahi group

  • Perpetrators of Bheri Hospital (Gyanendra Shahi group) Incident
  • Hospital: Lumbini Provincial Hospital, Butwal, Nepal

    Victims: 1 Doctor and 3 Paramedics

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A relative of the patient verbally abused and physically assaulted 1 on-duty doctor and 3 paramedics when he was informed about the critical condition of the patient by the on-duty staffs in ER.

    News Links:

    1. सुरक्षा माग गर्दै चिकित्सक धर्नामा :: सेतोपाटी संवाददाता :: Setopati


    1. Anurag Rasaili

  • Perpetrators of Lumbini Provincial Hospital (ER) Incident
  • Hospital: Gorkha Hospital, Gorkha, Nepal

    Victims: On-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After a post-partum lady slipped and fell in bathroom of maternity ward, a dispute erupted between the patient's family and the doctors. While the patient's family were threatening the health workers, crowd had gathered and suddenly a doctor was physically attacked from the crowd. Following the incident, the patient was discharged due to security concerns, however, the relatives had claimed that the doctor discharged the pregnant woman who had not fully recovered.

    News Links:

    1. गोरखा अस्पतालमा चिकित्सकमाथि दुर्व्यवहार, आकस्मिकबाहेकका सेवा बन्द – Online Khabar


    1. Devendra Jung Kunwar

  • Perpetrators of Gorkha Hospital (Post-partum) Incident

  • Hospital: Nobel Medical College, Morang, Biratnagar, Nepal

    Victims: Doctors and nurses

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After death of a 51-year-old woman with a respiratory problem soon after hospital admission, irate relatives and family manhandled the doctors and nurses and vandalized the emergency room claiming the negligence of doctors.

    News Links:

    1. Nobel Medical College vandalized over patient’s death « Khabarhub


  • Perpetrators of Nobel Medical College (Respiratory problem) Incident
  • Hospital: Ballekhan Basic Health Center, Sigas, Baitadi, Nepal

    Victims: 1 AHW

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A health worker working in a basic health center of Sigas Rural Municipality-3, Baitadi who had gone to collect swab in Ward- 5, Dhungad, was beaten by a man under influence of alcohol.

    News Links:

    1. स्वाब सङ्कलन गर्न हिँडेका स्वास्थ्यकर्मीमाथि कुटपिट (nishannews.com)


    1. Man Singh Bohara

  • Perpetrators of Basic Health Center Sigas Incident
  • Hospital: Nakali Subhealth Post (under Nwadeu Health Post), Patan, Baitadi, Nepal

    Victims: 1 ANM (Auxiliary Nurse Midwife) and 1 Sweeper

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: An ANM was beaten by two people during her duty hours. She had sustained a hand fracture along with injuries in face, chest and head. They had also attacked the sweeper of the health center and tore the papers of health post.

    News Links:

    1. स्वास्थ्यचौकीमै महिला स्वास्थ्यकर्मी कुटिए, कुटपिट गर्ने युवक फरार « Dainiki


    1. Mohan Kunwar
    2. Birendra Kunwa

  • Perpetrators of Nakali Sub-health Post Incident

  • Hospital: Sonpur Health Post, Khajura, Banke, Nepal

    Victims: Health workers

    Type of violence: Threat

    Event: After the health post refused to provide birth certificate of a newborn delivered at home, the agitated family had threatened to thrash and kill the health workers working in the institution. 

    News Links:

    1. सेवा नदिएको आरोपमा स्वास्थ्यकर्मीलाई धम्की - प्रदेश ५ - कान्तिपुर समाचार (ekantipur.com)


    1. Rafi Bhaat

  • Perpetrators of Sonpur Health Post (Threat) Incident
  • Hospital: Limsa PHC, Barekot, Jajarkot, Nepal

    Victims: 1 Doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: 3 youths under the influence of alcohol had physically assaulted a doctor actively involved anti-COVID campaign and also vandalized his residence. The doctor had sustained facial injuries.

    News Links:

    1. कोरोना संक्रमण विरोधी अभियानमा लागेका डाक्टरमाथि हातपात | Nagarik News (nagariknetwork.com)


    1. Tilak Singh
    2. Chakra Buda
    3. Padam Nepali

  • Perpetrators of Limsa PHC (Covid) Incident
  • Hospital: Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) and Kanti Children's Hospital

    Victims: 3 doctors returning residence after end of shift

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The security personnel from Maharajganj Police Circle had reportedly manhandled three doctors, two from Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital and one from Kanti Children’s Hospital, while returning home after their shift on night. The police had baton-charged on them though they had disclosed their identity through ID cards, and informed that they had just returned after completing their shifts. The incident had occurred behind Kanti Children’s Hospital.

    News Links:

    1. Departmental action should be initiated against police personnel who manhandled doctors, committee concludes (kathmandupost.com)
    2. Police take action against DSP Lamsal for ‘beating’ doctors (risingnepaldaily.com)


    1. Umesh Lamsal (DSP of Nepal Police at the time of incident)

  • Perpetrators of TUTH and Kanti Hospital (Police) Incident

  • Hospital: Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Nepal

    Victims: One doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A 50 year-old lady who had visited the hospital with dental pain was diagnosed as brain hemorrhage following investigations. She was admitted in ICU for observation. Recurrence of hemorrhage led to her death. A gang of 25-26 attackers entered the ICU and attacked the medical professional. The doctor had sustained some injuries.

    News Links:

    1. युनिभर्सलका डाक्टरले भने- दाँत दुख्यो भनेर आएकी यमकुमारीमा ब्रेन ह्यामरेज भएको थियो :: भगवती पाण्डे :: Setopati
    2. बिरामीकाे ज्यान गएपछि भैरहवा मेडिकल कलेज तनावग्रस्त | Ujyaalo Online
    3. Doctors up in arms at Universal College (risingnepaldaily.com)


  • Perpetrators of UCMS (Brain hemorrhage) Incident
  • Hospital: Provincial Hospital Lahan (formerly known as Ram Kumar Sharda Uma Prasad Murarka Memorial Hospital), Siraha, Nepal

    Victims: On-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A person who had come along with Province-1 Parliament member Ashok Yadav had assaulted an on-call doctor which was captured in CCTV footage.

    News Links:

    1. लहान अस्पतालमा आकस्मिक बाहेकका सेवा बन्द | अन्नपूर्ण पोस्ट् (annapurnapost.com)


    1. Ashok Yadav's team (State assembly member)

  • Perpetrators of Provincial Hospital Lahan Incident

  • Hospital: Gajendra Narayan Singh Sagarmatha Hospital, Rajbiraj, Nepal

    Victims: None

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The group which came to the hospital with a patient at around 2:00pm vandalized the hospital saying two doctors did not come to the hospital to check the patient. The irate victim's relatives had also chanted slogans against the hospital.

    News Links:

    1. सगरमाथा अञ्चल अस्पतालमा तोडफोड, एक जना पक्राउ – Online Khabar
    2. Irate youths vandalise hospital in Rajbiraj - The Himalayan Times
    3. अस्पताल तोडफोड प्रकरण : राष्ट्रिय गान गाउँदै हिरासतमै अनसन | अन्नपूर्ण पोस्ट् (annapurnapost.com)


    1. Gunjan Jha

  • Perpetrators of Sagarmatha Hospital (Doctor unavailable) Incident

  • Hospital: Dadeldhura Hospital, Dadeldhura, Nepal 

    Victims: Doctor performing an autopsy 

    Type of violence: Verbal and Physical

    Event: A mob headed by Amargadhi municipality, ward no. 11 chair Surya Prakash Khadka on Wednesday afternoon had manhandled doctors who were performing post-mortem and the doctor had sustained an injury on his knee.

    News Links:

    1. https://nepalhealthnews.com/news/2019/07/12/18995.html
    2. Yet another attack on doctors in Dadeldhura hospital « Khabarhub
    3. चिकित्सकमाथि हातपात गर्ने पक्राउ | अन्नपूर्ण पोस्ट् (annapurnapost.com)


    1. Surya Prakash Khadka

  • Perpetrators of Dadeldhura Hospital (Autopsy) Incident

  • Hospital: Koshi Zonal Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor in Emergency room

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A gang of 4 people who had arrived at ER in a drunk state had beaten an on-duty doctor along with abusive language.

    News Links:

    1. Four Arrested on charge of intimidating doctor – Inseconline
    2. डाक्टरमाथि हातपात गरेको आरोपमा चार जना गिरफ्तार – इन्सेक (inseconline.org)


    1. Binod Ray
    2. Umesh Ray
    3. Jagwat Sahani
    4. Pramod Ray

  • Perpetrators of Koshi Hospital (ER) Incident
  • Hospital: Sripur Primary Healthcare Center, Kanchanpur, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A doctor who was treating a patient at Sripur PHC was beaten up by the former MP on the premises of the health center. Blaming the doctor for referring patients of the health center to another hospital, former MP had attacked the doctor.

    News Links:

    1. Former MP thrashes doctor - The Himalayan Times


    1. Diwan Singh Bista (former member of parliament)

  • Perpetrators of Shripur PHC, Kanchanpur (MP) Incident
  • Hospital: College of Medical Sciences (CoMS), Bharatpur, Nepal

    Victims: 1 Neurosurgeon

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Kins of patient who underwent surgery at the hospital had manhandled a neurosurgeon claiming that the surgeon had performed a wrong surgery which they knew about only after reaching Kathmandu for the treatment.

    News Links:

    1. Nepalmonitor


    1. Meghnath Dhakal
    2. Kushma Dhakal

  • Perpetrators of College of Medical Sciences Bharatpur (Neurosurgery) Incident

  • Hospital: Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Nepal

    Victims: None

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After death of a 22-year-old student (BDS final year in UCMS itself; 13th batch) undergoing treatment at the ICU following surgery for an abscess, other students of the college resorted to demonstration accusing negligence on the part of hospital and vandalized the hospital. The students had gathered on the hospital premises and started chanting slogans stating that he died because he was administered wrong medicine.

    News Links:

    1. उपचारको क्रममा विद्यार्थीको मृत्यु भएपछि अस्पताल तोडफोड :: भगवती पाण्डे :: Setopati
    2. Students vandalise Universal Medical College after death of fellow student (kathmandupost.com)


  • Perpetrators of UCMS (BDS student) Incident
  • Hospital: Gaur Hospital, Rautahat, Nepal

    Victims: Vaccine division employee

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: On the pretext of unavailbility of IPV vaccine at the hospital, a computer assistant at Gaur Municipal Office had thrashed the vaccine division employee.

    News Links:

    1. Nepalmonitor


    1. Ajay Sah

  • Perpetrators of Gaur Hospital (Vaccine Unavailable) Incident

  • Hospital: Doti Hospital

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Relatives of a woman had assaulted a doctor, accusing him of misbehaving with the woman while performing ultrasonography. The doctor's teeth were broken in the attack.

    News Links:

    1. Patients hit hard as doctors abandon Doti hospital - The Himalayan Times
    2. Province 7 doctors demand guarantee of security - The Himalayan Times
    3. Doctors' protest hits health services in Doti hospital - myRepublica
    4. Doti Hospital closed for last 13 days (kathmandupost.com)
    5. Doti District Hospital sans doctors - The Himalayan Times


    1. Hikmat Singh Bista
    2. Bijaya Bista
    3. Tek Bahadur Bista
    4. Arun Mahat

  • Perpetrators of Doti Hospital Incident

    Hospital: District Hospital, Sunsari, Nepal

    Event: The drunk police inspector vandalized the doctor and other medical personnel when the doctor declared the inspector’s brother in law dead on arrival, who previously met with a RTA, road traffic accident with an ambulance.

    News links:

    1. रक्सीले मात्तिएका प्रहरी इन्सपेक्टरद्धारा डिउटीका डाक्टरमाथि आक्रमण – Nepali Health
    2. मादक पदार्थ सेवन गरी प्रहरी निरीक्षकले चिकित्सकमाथि हातपात गरे, अस्पतालमा सबै सेवाहरु बन्द « News24 : Premium News Channel (archive.org)


    1. Santosh Kumar Pokhrel (Police Inspector at the time of incident)

  • Perpetrators of Sunsari (Inaruwa) Hospital Incident
  • Hospital: Narayani Hospital, Birgunj, Nepal

    Victims: 1 on-duty doctor and 1 staff nurse

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The relatives of a pregnant lady had beaten a doctor and a nurse after barging into the maternity ward with a claim that the stillborn baby was due to the negligence of doctor. They accused that the doctor had sent patient home saying that the baby was not yet due. The doctor had denied this allegation.

    News Links:

    1. Doctors in protest after colleague ‘misbehaved’ (kathmandupost.com)
    2. Arrested on charge of intimidating doctor – Inseconline


    1. Akhtar Hawari
    2. Niranjan Patel

  • Perpetrators of Narayani Hospital (Maternity ward) Incident
  • Hospital: Maa Janaki Hospital, Nepalgunj, Nepal

    Victims: One doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: A 49-year-old patient had at first reached Maa Janaki Hospital of Nepalgunj for treatment of a wound. According to the patient, even after 9 days of treatment, the hospital could not treat his wound and he was instead referred to Lucknow of India where he was suggested for amputation which was later carried out in B and B hospital (Kathmandu). Blaming the doctor, relatives had attacked the doctor with the 'intent to kill' and even tried to vandalize the hospital.

    News Links:

    1. Kohalpur hospitals reopen - myRepublica
    2. Health Services Disrupted against the misbehavior on health professional – Inseconline
    3. Complaint filed against Maa Janki Hospital for negligence - myRepublica


    1. Sandip Singh
    2. Mahesh Khatiwada
    3. Yadav Basyal
    4. Kamal Sahi

  • Perpetrators of Maa Janaki Hospital (Nepalgunj) Incident
  • Hospital: Sahid Gangalal National Heart Center

    Victims: On-duty doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: After the death of a patient, irate kin manhandled and attacked the doctor.

    News Links:

    1. ११ वर्षमा ३ सय डाक्टर कुटिए | Hamro Doctor News


    1. Mahesh Basnet
    2. Rajan Adhikari

  • Perpetrators of Gangalal Hospital Incident
  • Hospital: Baitadi District Hospital, Patan, Baitadi, Nepal

    Victims: Chief of Hospital

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The accused had misbehaved and put black soot on the chief of the district hospital for not providing an ambulance for a 28-year-old pregnant lady in labor pain

    News Links:

    1. Baitadi medicos strike over attack on official (kathmandupost.com)


    1. Parvati Bhul
    2. Ganga Bhul
    3. Radha Bhul

  • Perpetrators of Baitadi District Hospital (Ambulance arrangement) Incident

  • Hospital: Gajendranarayan Singh Sagarmatha Hospital, Rajbiraj, Nepal

    Victims: 8 Health Workers and Employees

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: 8 health workers and employees had sustained injuries after police thrashed them at hospital premises and quarters. Police had thrashed and manhandled health assistants, employees, drugs store operators and others during a clash between police and activists of United Madhesi Democratic Front in the hospital. UDMF cadres had reached the hospital premises for treatment of their supporters who were injured in an earlier clash. 

    News Links:

    1. Hospital disrupted for second day - The Himalayan Times
    2. Health facilities remain closed in Saptari for third day - The Himalayan Times


    1. Narayan Prasad Chimoriya (DSP at the time of incident - commanding the team)

  • Perpetrators of Sagarmatha Hospital (Police vs UMDF) Incident

    Hospital: Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Nepal

    Victims: 2 on-duty doctors

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The perpetrator entered an argument with the doctors saying that it was the duty of hospital and not patient's relatives to arrange for ambulance. He was on his police uniform and changed his clothes before beating the doctors.


    1. Bijaya Silwal (Assistant sub-inspector of Nepal Police at the time of incident)
    2. Sambhu Kumar Silwal
    3. Ram Kumar Khadka

    News links:

    1. Policeman beats Patan Hospital doctors (archive.org)
    2. Sub-inspector among 3 held for manhandling docs (kathmandupost.com)
    3. Police nabbed for ‘beating up’ doctors (kathmandupost.com)

  • Perpetrators of Patan Hospital (Ambulance arrangement) Incident
  • Hospital: Bharatpur Hospital, Chitwan, Nepal

    Victims: Medical superintendent doctor

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: Relatives of a patient with asthma and TB who died while undergoing treatment at Bharatpur Hospital, had thrashed Superintendent of the hospital claiming that the patient had died after the doctor removed his oxygen mask saying that there was insufficient oxygen in the hospital. The relatives of the deceased had staged demonstration in the hospital demanding action against hospital and compensation.

    News Links:

    1. WTF, is this called civilian behaviour, Doctor thrashed at Bharatpur hospital following death of patient - Sajha Mobile


    1. Krishnahari Samari

  • Perpetrators of Bharatpur Hospital (Oxygen supply) Incident

  • Hospital: Koshi Zonal Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal

    Victims: 5 doctors

    Type of violence: Physical

    Event: The gang beat up the doctors for allegedly neglecting a priest who was admitted with a kidney ailment. As the patient was in a critical condition, the doctors had reportedly referred the patient to Dharan-based BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences for treatment.

    News links:

    1. Five doctors thrashed - The Himalayan Times


    1. Rajendra Rauniyar
    2. Satya Paudhar

  • Perpetrators of Koshi Hospital (Renal patient) Incident