Sindhuli Hospital



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Hospital: Sindhuli Hospital, Sindhuli, Nepal

Event: Large group of hooligans came along with the dead body and vandalized the hospital including Emergency room and OPD blaming the rocuronium given during intubation as the cause of death. It was a case of pregnancy complicated with seizure in a 26-year-old lady and referred to higher center for management.

News links:

  1. Sindhuli Hospital Vandalized After Death of Pregnant Woman: Impacted Hospital Services – Inseconline
  2. सिन्धुली अस्पताल तोडफोड गर्ने पाँचजना पक्राउ :: (


  1. Pushpa Thapa Magar
  2. Umesh Shrestha
  3. Sunmaya Bal
  4. Netra Bahadur Thapa Magar
  5. Ratna Bahadur Shrestha

Hospital: Sindhuli Hospital, Sindhuli, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Demonstration)

Event: After death of a 27-year-old patient following the delivery of a baby due to hypertension and uterine atony, the relatives alleged the negligence of the doctors and chanted slogans in the hospital. She had been referred to the hospital from Kapilakot PHC.

News Links:

  1. डाक्टरको लापर्बाहीले अस्पतालमा सुत्केरीकको मृत्यु भएको आफन्तको आरोप – इन्सेक (