OM Hospital Chabahil



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Hospital: Om Hospital and Research Center, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Physical and Verbal threatening

Event: A 50 year lady underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. While carrying out the operation, the doctor's team had detected various complications such as the gall bladder being attached to the liver and intestines attached together due to history of previous 3 surgeries. Post-surgery, the patient developed small bowel perforation and sepsis leading to mortality. Her relatives vandalized the hospital and threatened the operating surgeon.

News Links:

  2. Om Hospital accused of killing patient by piercing intestine during gall bladder surgery - OnlineKhabar English News
  3. Om Hospital tense after patient's death post-surgery - The Himalayan Times
  4. ओम अस्पताल प्रकरण: आफन्त भन्छन्, लापरवाही भयो, अस्पताल भन्छ,  सामान्य केस थिएन – Online Khabar
  5. बिरामीको मृत्युपछि ॐ अस्पतालले निकाल्यो यस्तो विज्ञप्ती …. « Lokpath
  6. ओम अस्पतालमा तोडफोड : अश्रुग्याँस र लाठीचार्ज, ५ घाइते - नारायण अधिकारी :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika
  7. ओम अस्पतालमा बिरामीको मृत्यु : के भन्छन् आफन्त र निर्देशक? [भिडियो] - :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika
  8. ओम अस्पताल प्रकरण : रकम पाएपछि मृतकका आफन्त चुप – Online Khabar
  9. समवेदना दिएर ओम अस्पताल मुक्त | ईमाउण्टेन समाचार (
  10. नेपाल आज | बिरामीको मृत्युपछि ओ‌म अस्पताल तनावग्रस्त (

Hospital: Om Hospital and Research Center, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Physical

Event: Irate relatives of the deceased patient (a 40 year old lady who had undergone nasal surgery) staged a demonstration and vandalized the hospital. This was settled with compensation (out of court) by hospital.

News Links:

  1. Kin receive body of patient who died after surgery at Om Hospital - The Himalayan Times
  2. Om Hospital tense after patient dies during treatment (
  3. Woman dies after sinus surgery at Om - myRepublica

Hospital: Om Hospital and Research Center, Chabahil, Kathmandu

Victims: None

Type of violence: Threatening and protest

Event: 54-year-old-woman, who underwent gall-bladder surgery in Om Hospital died the next day in ICU. Doctors, who shifted her to the ICU after successful surgery, argued that her death was due to cardic arrest, not due to doctor’s carelessness. Aggressive relatives demonstrated against the hospital. A hospital authority later disclosed that the case was settled in the evening after the hospital paid Rs. 17 lakhs as compensation.

News Links:

  1. Kin of patient who died at Om hospital end protest - The Himalayan Times

Hospital: Om Hospital and Research Center, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Demonstration)

Event: After the death of a 53-year-old elderly woman with a uterine ailment during the course of treatment in the hospital, the relatives had protested blaming negligence on the part of the doctors. The tense situation had normalized only after a 3-point agreement which included apology from the hospital, establishment of a 20 lakh rupees trust in the name of the deceased and the provision of helicopter lift of the dead body.

News Links:

  1. Om Hospital tense after patient dies in course of treatment (
  2. तीन बुँदे सहमतिपछि ओम अस्पतालको तनाव अन्त्य - समाचार - कान्तिपुर समाचार (

Hospital: Om Hospital and Research Center, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal

Victims: 1 doctor

Type of violence: Physical

Event: After death of a pregnant woman, the irate kin of the deceased had vandalized the hospital and thrashed a doctor in connection with the incident. The family of the deceased claimed "negligence" while the hospital administration denied saying that it was due to brain hemorrhage.

News Links:

  1. Om Hospital vandalised - The Himalayan Times