Narayani Hospital



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Hospital: Narayani Hospital, Birgunj, Nepal

Victims: 1 on-duty doctor and 1 staff nurse

Type of violence: Physical

Event: The relatives of a pregnant lady had beaten a doctor and a nurse after barging into the maternity ward with a claim that the stillborn baby was due to the negligence of doctor. They accused that the doctor had sent patient home saying that the baby was not yet due. The doctor had denied this allegation.

News Links:

  1. Doctors in protest after colleague ‘misbehaved’ (
  2. Arrested on charge of intimidating doctor – Inseconline


  1. Akhtar Hawari
  2. Niranjan Patel

Hospital: Narayani Hospital, Birjunj, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Demonstration)

Event: After the death of a 45-year-old patient with a cardiac disease admitted in the ICU of the hospital, the family members and relatives had claimed that the death was due to a wrong medication given by the doctor and staged a demonstration in the hospital premises. The hospital had claimed that the patient was brought to the hospital already when the patient was in a critical state with feeble pulse and unreadable blood pressure and still the hospital had tried their best to manage the patient.

News Links:

  1. Nepalmonitor

29 June, 2009 (Dirghayu Polyclinic, Dang)
  • A medical officer was attacked by a gang of 3-4 people when on duty.
27 August, 2009 (Narayani Hospital, Birgunj)
  • A doctor working the emergency room was attacked.
16 September, 2009 (Province Hospital Janakpur)
  • A doctor working in the Janakpur Zonal Hospital was fatally attacked.
20 October, 2009 (BPKIHS, Dharan)
  • 2 doctors in the orthopedic department were attacked by the relatives.
1 December, 2009 (NINAS, Bansbari)
  • After a patient admitted for treatment at National Institute of Neurological and Allied Sciences (Neuro Hospital) Bansbari died during treatment, his relatives beat up the doctor and ransacked the hospital.