Manipal College of Medical Sciences



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Hospital: Manipal College of Medical Sciences (MCoMS), Pokhara, Nepal

Victims: On-duty nurse in SICU

Type of violence: Physical

Event: A nurse was slapped by a patient party when she requested the patient attendants not to wear shoes inside the SICU.

Hospital: Manipal Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal

Victim: On-duty resident doctor 

Violence type: Physical 

Event: After death of a 57-year-old elderly patient in ICU, the patient attendants and goons had vandalized the doctors and hospital.

News links:

1. पोखराको मणिपाल अस्पतालमा बिरामीको मृत्यु भएपछि डाक्टरमाथि आक्रमण - स्वास्थ्यखबर :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika

2. मणिपाल घटना : किन गयो हरिहर वस्ती सहितको टोली पोखरा, किन फर्कियो रित्तो हात? - नारायण अधिकारी :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika


1. Manish Thapa

2. Sujit Mulmi

3. Abinas Gurung

4. Pradeep Gurung

5. Arun Gurung

6. Nitesh Gurung

7. Bibek Gurung

8. Sushil Karki (Chawa)

9. Binay Gurung

Most perpetrators have been found to be caught frequently for various crimes (upto 15 times) and were not relatives of the deceased patient.

प्रहरी हिरासतमा १५ पटकसम्म पुगेका व्यक्ति नै डाक्टर आक्रमणमा, भाडामा प्रयोग भएको आशंका! - नारायण अधिकारी :: Swasthya Khabarpatrika

What happened to the perpetrators?

Except Binay Gurung and Sushil Karki, all other 7 caught perpetrators have been released on NRs. 1,00,000/- bail.

मणिपालका डाक्टरलाई कुटेको आरोपमा २ जना कारागार चलान, ७ जना धरौटीमा रिहा – Online Khabar

Hospital: Manipal College of Medical Sciences (MCoMS), Pokhara, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Sit-in and Padlocking)

Event: After death of a 35-year-old lady (after few hours of delivery) and the newborn baby (at the time of delivery), the family staged a sit-in in front of the hospital claiming medical negligence and demanding investigation and action against the doctors involved in the treatment. According to the hospital, the baby was stillborn and the mother died due to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

News Links:

  1. मणिपालमा सुत्केरी आमा र शिशुको मृत्यु भए पछि तनाब :: सागर राज तिमिल्सिना  :: Setopati
  2. अस्पतालको मुलद्वारमा तालाबन्दी, स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रभावित   – इन्सेक (

Hospital: Manipal College of Medical Sciences (MCoMS), Pokhara, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Padlocking)

Event: The locals had padlocked the main gate of the Manipal Hospital in protest of doctor’s denial on treating the injured victims in road accident in Kagbeni of Mustang. The doctors in the hospital had denied treating the injured as they are in a protest demanding to enforce Labor Act. 

News Links:

  1. Locals Padlocked Manipal Hospital – Inseconline
  2. दुर्घटनाका घाइतेलाइ उपचार गर्न नमानेको भन्दै मणिपाल अस्पतालमा स्थानीयको आन्दोलन – इन्सेक (

Hospital: Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal

Victims: Doctors and Patients in ICU

Type of violence: Physical

Event: A 43-year-old man with brain hemorrhage was referred from the hospital to Kathmandu due to unavailability of neurosurgeons. They were advised to take flight but chose to take the roads, during which time the patient had died. The relatives had notched up the flow of oxygen during the travel leading to emptying of the cylinders. A small group of people then vandalized the ICU of hospital, attacked the doctors and even injured some of the seriously ill patients.

News Links:

  1. Manipal Hospital ICU ransacked in Nepal –

Hospital: Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal

Victims: Doctors and Nurses

Type of violence: Physical

Event: A 19-year-old girl had been admitted in ICU in the hospital after she had consumed poison. The dispute arose when the relatives of the girl (under the influence of alcohol) beat up doctors and nurses, blaming the later for her disappearance. The girl was found in the corner of a private ward on the fifth floor the next morning. The doctors and nurses beat up the the girl’s relatives in the private ward in the presence of the police.

News Links:

  1. Manipal hospital shuts down - The Himalayan Times