Mahakali Provincial Hospital



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Hospital: Makhakali Provincial Hospital, Kanchanpur, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Sit-in)

Event: After death of a 19-year-old pregnant lady with hypertension and epilepsy (with probable end-organ failure) died during surgery, the irate relatives staged a sit-in at the gate of the hospital demanding compensation for raising her newborn.

News Links:

  1. Nepalmonitor

Hospital: Mahakali Provincial Hospital, Kanchanpur, Nepal

Victims: None

Type of violence: Non-violent (Padlocking)

Event: After death of a 48-year-old covid infected patient, the deceased's family padlocked the hospital claiming the negligence of the hospital.

News Links:

  1. चिकित्सकको लापरबाहीले कोरोना संक्रमितको  मृत्यु भएको भन्दै अस्पतालमा तालाबन्दी (

Hospital: Mahakali Provincial Hospital, Kanchanpur, Nepal

Victims: One on-duty doctor

Type of violence: Physical

Event: The enraged family assaulted a doctor claiming negligence of a nurse for the death of a newborn while the hospital claims the baby was stillborn.

News Links:

  1. Service at Mahakali Zonal Hospital halted over attack on doctors (